Knitting Raglan Sweater

Oh raglan sweater, how I adore you!

Just until recently, I mean like about a month ago, I used to swoon over knitted raglan sweaters, wondering how difficult they must be to make.

And boy, was I wrong.

After I watched my first tutorial I realized that it might in fact be the easiest knitted sweater to make.


As far as I have understood the raglan sweater theme, there are two ways of making these sweaters, top-down and bottom-up.

My favorite is the top-down method.

You just start knitting the collar, and before you know there’s a whole sweater there right in front of you on your needles. With no need for sewing in the end!

Have I mentioned I love it, already?


If you’d like to try making something similar, I would wholeheartedly like to recommend you this Youtube video from RJ Knits which helped me a lot. Thank you, RJ Knits!

Happy knitting and crafting, dear friends!



Knitting Recently

Hi friends!

I hope you are doing fine!

I thought I could just stop by here for a little while and show you a few bits and pieces that I have finished knitting recently.

Knitting has been bringing me a so much joy these days.

Soooo, the sweater you can see above has been made for my son. He is a huge Charlie Brown and Peanuts fan. Hence the zig-zag sweater.



And then Charlie Brown socks followed. They are quite slippery though, that has yet to be solved.



These! Twisted headbands. They are so addictive! And amazingly useful!

You can find a tutorial on my site here.



I made another sweater for my son. It’s quite oversized and should last him a couple of years.

Also, it seems I used two different color lots… but I don’t mind it a lot.



Another headband. This one has cables, my all-time favorite.



Love knit cables!



And here’s another set. So chunky, soft and warm!



Socks. I finally brought myself to knitting proper socks. It makes me really happy.

These were toe-up socks made with short row heel.

Another addiction!



Big wrap or shawl. I will show you this one once it’s finished.



And a cute set for my son. It a hat, a cowl and mittens. I did not even know these items are so easy to make! Like really!

Well, that’s that for now.

But there’s so much more to come. I can’t wait to show you!

See you soon, friends!
