Cuddly Colfax Bear Hooded Cowl

1546176_737553206329839_7123790170351236806_nHey everybody!  As I sit here in my home, sipping a lovely butterscotch latte, I’m feeling quite magnanimous.  Also, I figured since it’s been over a month since I posted any freebie patterns, that it’s about time.  I am especially endeared to this pattern as I was inspired by local surroundings.  I feel fortunate to live in the great state of California, and really lucky that I am a native.  I also understand that many of you who live elsewhere have a dim view of my beloved home based on the reports of others, or you had a bad experience yourself (just to remind you, those happen everywhere).  I currently reside in the scenic Sierra Nevada Mountain range, where bears, mountain lions, deer, raccoon, foxes, coyotes, etc., roam free.  I know they’re in our neighborhood because they leave little “gifts” in the most conspicuous places, but I don’t really mind because I love being here.  Besides, I’m already picking up after my dogs and cats, what’s a little wildlife scat going to hurt?

Anyway, after all that, here’s a link to the pattern and for those of you who don’t crochet or just don’t want to be bothered I have included a link to my online shop, as usual.  I also keep all my patterns and some others I find online on my Crafting Links tab, where it’s broken down into Knit and Crochet patterns.  If you just click the tab with choosing from the drop down menu, there is a form where you can upload your own pattern.  Enjoy!



Author: Glenda

A knitter, crocheter, and sometimes photographer, definitely in a major romance with my laptop!

17 thoughts on “Cuddly Colfax Bear Hooded Cowl”

  1. I can’t seem to get this pattern or the fox pattern to download. I’ve never had this problem before! Help suggestions on what could be the problem! Could it be that its a wordpress? Idk?

  2. Thanks Glenda! I actually installed the wordpress app on my tablet and it immediately downloaded. Now, I have another question as this is my first attempt at a hooded cowland I am almost finished. After looking at it and am such a novice at reading patterns, I was wondering if it would make a difference, or perhaps make it easier if you actually do the black outline around the face opening BEFORE you begin the cowl? I could never really get the “chaining two” when attaching the cowl so I just worked in the round. I’m assuming this has something to do with where I joined at the bottom left corner and did the 7 chains across the face in the wrong spot? Idk? It would just be nice to have a pattern I’ve attempted to follow turn out perfect! Haha! Thanks so much for this! My already gorgeous daughter is an absolute supermodel in this!

    1. Hi, Amanda. Sorry you’re having trouble with the pattern. 😦 To answer the question about the black outline, I’ve used the crab stitch for that, and no, you cannot make the outline first – sorry! If you can figure out a way to do that, I’d love to hear it. I consider myself an intermediate crocheter and am always game to learn new techniques!

  3. I’m a little confused on the ears. Do you join at the end of each round and when you join with black do you then turn???

  4. Love this pattern! I am a little confused about the cowl, though. On round 4 it says change to black and only hdc inc 1, and you end with 38 stitches. But then 2 rounds later you have 44 stitches with no increases. Am I reading this wrong?

    1. Great catch! You are reading it as written, and yes, it is incorrect. Thank you! I’ll change the pattern. In the meantime, round 2 should read “*hdc 9 sts, inc 1 st* around”.

  5. Hey there! It’s a really awesome pattern but I am confused to what side I am to sl stitch into. And do I creat a cowl myself? I am semi new to this and just getting confused by the hood to the cowl part. The length (stitches) and the rows. I am supposed to go down the rows? Or he stiches? Sorry. And thanks in advance for the clarification.

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