Crocheted Case

Using only single crochets, this case is very simple to make and works up quickly. What makes this pattern unique is the yarn used to crochet it. I was in search of Wraphia to crochet with to create a sturdy, textured pouch but came across Loops & Threads Phat yarn (yes, PHAT) at Michael’s and thought that I would try it out to see if I could achieve the same look (NOTE: On a new website I came across called Yarn Sub, click here for substitutions for this yarn if you can’t find it in stores).

I wanted to create some sort of pouch that is compact and provides some substantial cushion for the contents inside. The Button-Up Pouch that I posted on the blog is great as an iPad case or cover for a larger book, but I wanted to make something smaller that I could carry in one hand and fit in a purse or bag. I wanted it to have a natural, wicker-look to it (hence, my search for a spool of Wraphia) and some subtle hints of colour. I use a lot of wicker baskets for storage around my apartment and wanted to emulate that look but for a crocheted accessory.


I think the Crocheted Case would be great for makeup or as an overnight bag for toiletries, as a crochet hook and notion case or as I am currently using it: as a case for a notebook and pen for writing down patterns. Rather than searching at the bottom of my bag for a pen or piece of paper, I can put the case in any bag I’m traveling with and easily access it when needed.


This Loops & Threads yarn has a similar feel to T-Shirt yarn that I’ve used in the past (also by Loops & Threads), although Phat is thicker and each strand is rounder. It comes in a variety of colours (black, greys, blue, beige) and is fairly inexpensive (approximately $8.50 CAD/ball). I purchased it at Michael’s and got 50% off one ball (check online for their weekly coupons).


Crocheting with Phat yarn is a workout for your hands. Its sturdy structure is great for the pattern I was creating but takes some more effort to negotiate each stitch with a crochet hook and to keep the gauge loose. It doesn’t pill very much and has a nice sheen to it, probably because it’s a nylon blend. The yarn is very thick and the single crochets, although one of the simplest stitches, look well-defined given the size of the yarn and the smaller hook size used for the pattern. The tight stitches will prevent contents of the case from falling out.


As mentioned, the pattern is made up of only one stitch but I’ve included photos to explain the colour changes. I’ll also be posting the pattern on Ravelry so please post your photos and comments there to share with others.

Below is the free pattern:

Keep a loose gauge throughout.


  • 1 ball of Loops & Threads Phat yarn
  • Two other bulky yarns for the lid (I used Knit Picks’ Brava Bulky yarn)
  • 6 mm crochet hook
  • Yarn needle
  • 2 buttons
  • Sewing thread and needle



Chain 20. Single crochet in chain closest to your hook and in each one across to the end.

*Turn. Chain 1. Single crochet in the stitch next to your hook and in each stitch across. End with a single crochet in the turning chain 1 from below.

Repeat from *for 42 more rows. (You may choose to block the rectangle at this point although the one pictured isn’t blocked and after sewing it together and adding the lid, it turned out fairly even).


Instead of tying off, leave a lengthy tail and thread the yarn needle on. Fold the rectangle in half and whip-stitch up the side to close the case on one side. Tie off. Repeat on the other side, sewing up from the top of the case down to the fold.


Attach a new colour (purple) to the pouch starting at the side that you just stitched up. Single crochet around the top edge of the pouch twice to give a border around the whole case.



After completing two rows of purple, continue rows of purple single crochets back and forth across one side to create the lid/cover. Similar to the rectangle created for the case, at the end of each row of single crochets, turn, chain 1 and continue crocheting in the chain next to your hook.

Repeat 14 rows of one colour (purple), 14 rows of a different colour (white) and 8 rows of the first colour (purple).


For the final row, create the button loops: Chain 1. Single crochet in the chain closest to the hook. Chain 3. Skip 2 and single crochet in the next stitch and in each stitch across until the fifth stitch to the end. Chain 3. Single crochet in the second last stitch and end with a single crochet. Tie off.

Add one row of Phat yarn around the edge of the lid to compliment the colours and to add structure.

Sew on two buttons on the front of the case.

Happy crocheting!